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Institute Open Positions


PhD and Master Students

The group of Dr. Magdalene Schlesiger has positions open for Ph.D. and Master students with a strong analytical/computational background and an interest in experimental neuroscience to work on a joint project between the Schlesiger lab (Heidelberg University Clinic and the German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Department of Prof. Hannah Monyer) and the Leibold lab (Group for Theoretical Systems Neuroscience, Freiburg University). Please see the attached advertisement for more details.
Posted 01.2025


The group of Dr. Magdalene Schlesiger has positions open for PhD, Medical and Master students. The projects aim to investigate how the formation of long-term memories is altered by the addiction to drugs such as amphetamine and cocaine and will use sophisticated electrophysiological in vivo recordings from large ensembles of neurons in mice performing memory tasks.
Posted 01.2025

Internship to study regulators of neuronal morphology

The Mauceri group is looking to engage a student for an internship to investigate the mechanisms that regulate neuronal morphology. Please see the attached advertisement for more details.
Posted 09.2024

Internship for genomic studies of the C. elegans nervous system

The Rapti group is looking to engage a student for an internship bridging genomic studies and C. elegans developmental neurobiology. The position can start as soon as possible. Please see the attached advertisement for more details.
Posted 07.2024

Master Thesis Project

The laboratory of Dr. Amit Agarwal at the Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology is seeking for a Master’s student to work on a project focusing on neuron-glia interaction and cellular metabolism. The students will get hand on experience on genetically encoded metabolic sensors, advanced optical microscopy and metabolic flux analysis. We expect the project to start latest by mid-October 2024. For more details, please see the attached advertisement.
Posted 07.2024

PhD Position in Computational Neurosciences

A collaborative PhD position in computational neurosciences between the School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, Italy, and the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kelsch at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim, Germany, is available. Please see the attached advertisement for more details.
Posted 07.2024

Master Thesis Project

The Department of Molecular Pharmacology (Prof. Dr. Rohini Kuner) is seeking a Master’s student to support research efforts starting in September or October on a project focussed on investigating chronic pain pathways and characterizing sub-populated neurons between rAAC, MD, and NAc in mice. Please see the attached advertisement for more details.
Posted 07.2024

Internship for electron microscopy of C. elegans samples

The Rapti group is looking to engage an undergraduate/ Master's student for an internship bridging electron microscopy and C. elegans nervous system connectomic studies. The position can start as soon as spring 2024 but ideally by autumn 2024. Please see the attached advertisement for more details.
Posted 04.2024



Das Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie sucht zum 01.04.2025 eine/n Postdoktorand/in zur Mitarbeit im Bereich der molekularen und zellulären Neurowissenschaften, insbesondere der Bildung und Dynamik inhibitorischer Synapsen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Anhang.
Bewerbungsfrist: 31.03.2025
Veröffentlicht 01.2025

Postdoc position

A postdoc position to study the role of the choroid plexus in mediating brain-body interactions in pathologies is being offered by the Mauceri and Patrizi labs as part of the ERA-NET Neuron ChorNEXUS consortium. For further details, please see the attached flyer.
Application deadline: 21.02.2025
Posted 01.2025

Research Assistants

Student Assistant (HiWi)

The Department of Molecular and Cellular Cognition Research at the Central Institute of Mental Health is looking for a student assistant to help with cyrosectioning and immunohistochemistry. For further details see the attached flyer.
Posted 01.2025

Full-Time Technical Assistant

The Institute of Pharmacology is recruiting a technical assistant. The position is being offered for one year with the possibility of contract extension. For details please see the attached flyer.

Am pharmakologischen Institut der Universität Heidelberg ist eine Stelle als Technische/-r Assistent/-in für zunächst ein Jahr, mit der Möglichkeit einer Verlängerung, zu besetzten. Weitere Details entnehmen Sie bitte dem beigefügten Flyer.
Posted 04.2024

Group Leaders

Independent group leaders with a laboratory in the Heidelberg/Mannheim and with a research focus in the neurosciences—whether it be basic research at the molecular, cellular, or network level, computational neuroscience, or translational or clinical research—are all invited to apply to join the IZN.

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