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IZN International Graduate Program Curriculum

The curriculum of the IZN-International Graduate Program is a three-year program that aims at providing comprehensive academic training and support on multiple levels to ensure that your doctoral research and your research career in general develop to be as successful and inspiring as possible. The curriculum consists of the following mandatory scientific and optional soft skill modules.

Module 1: Direct facilitation of your doctoral research

  • Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings: doctoral students present their progress and receive feedback in annual TAC meetings
  • Lab seminars with presentation of own research
  • Conference attendance with presentation of own research
  • Neuroscience Summer School with presentation of own research

Module 2: Broadening of your scientific, conceptual, and experimental knowledge base

  • IZN Seminars: IZN students and postdocs present their research at bi-weekly seminars.
  • IZN Lectures and Concepts Talks: Invited speakers—many from abroad—talk about their latest findings and IZN investigators provide an overview about concepts and perspectives of their research in this bi-weekly lecture series.
  • IZN Retreat: IZN scientists at all levels and from across all disciplines meet once annually at an off-campus location for two days of lectures, poster sessions, networking, and social events. IZN doctoral candidates are required to present a poster from the second year onward.
  • Practical Courses: IZN investigators offer individualized training courses to help you learn and explore new techniques that will benefit your career development.

Module 3: Soft skills courses offered by the Graduate Academy

  • Good Scientific Practices (required for Dr. sc. hum. candidates)
  • Scientific Writing
  • Scientific Presentation
  • Career Course

The Blue Sheet

Scientific modules 1 and 2 (and—depending on your faculty of choice—parts of module 3) are mandatory and must be documented on your personalized blue sheet and approved by the IZN-IGP Office. You will obtain your blue sheet after you register with your faculty of choice and with the IZN-IGP.  Your completed and approved blue sheet verifies your successful fulfillment of IZN-IGP curriculum and is required for submission of your doctoral thesis to the faculty at which you are registered.