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((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Both, Martin[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Wittbrodt, Joachim[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Wildemann, Brigitte[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Wiegert, Simon[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Wick, Wolfgang[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Weishaupt, Jochen[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Weidner, Norbert[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Wei, Pei-Chi[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Thiel, Christian[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Spanagel, Rainer[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Sollner, Thomas H[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Schuster, Christoph[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Schultz, Christian[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Schmelz, Martin[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Schlesiger, Magdalene I[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Schirmer, Lucas[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Schaaf, Christian[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Rupp, Andre[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Rudolf, Rudiger[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Rapti, Georgia[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Puttagunta, Radhika[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Prevedel, Robert[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Platten, Michael[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Patrizi, Annarita[Author])) OR (((Mannheim[Affiliation]) OR (Heidelberg[Affiliation])) AND (Oliveira Ana M M[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Muller, Ulrike C[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Monyer, Hannah[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Mauceri, Daniela[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Mall, Moritz[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Maier-Hein, Klaus[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Liu, Hai-Kun[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kutscher, Lena[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kuner, Thomas[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kuner, Rohini[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kolker, Stefan[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Kohr, Georg[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Koehr, Georg[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kirsch, Joachim[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kelsch, Wolfgang[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kann, Oliver[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Joazeiro, Claudio[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Herold Mende, Christel[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Gutschalk, Alexander[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Gruber, Oliver[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Groh, Alexander[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Grinevich, Valery[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Fairless, Richard[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Durstewitz, Daniel[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Draguhn, Andreas[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Ditzen, Beate[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Diem, Ricarda[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Ciccolini, Francesca[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Breckwoldt, Michael O[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Berkel, Simone[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Bendszus, Martin[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Bading, Hilmar[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Arendt, Detlev[Author])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Andoh, Jamila[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Althammer, Ferdinand[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Allen, Kevin[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Acuna, Claudio[Author])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Agarwal, Amit[Author]))

Search Query for All Publications by All Current IZN Investigators as Last Author

((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Both, Martin[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Wittbrodt, Joachim[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Wildemann, Brigitte[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Wiegert, Simon[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Wick, Wolfgang[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Weishaupt, Jochen[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Weidner, Norbert[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Wei, Pei-Chi[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Thiel, Christian[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Spanagel, Rainer[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Sollner, Thomas H[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Schuster, Christoph[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Schultz, Christian[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Schmelz, Martin[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Schlesiger, Magdalene I[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Schirmer, Lucas[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Schaaf, Christian[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Rupp, Andre[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Rudolf, Rudiger[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Rapti, Georgia[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Puttagunta, Radhika[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Prevedel, Robert[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Platten, Michael[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Patrizi, Annarita[Author - Last])) OR (((Mannheim[Affiliation]) OR (Heidelberg[Affiliation])) AND (Oliveira Ana M M[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Muller, Ulrike C[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Monyer, Hannah[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Mauceri, Daniela[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Mall, Moritz[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Maier-Hein, Klaus[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Liu, Hai-Kun[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kutscher, Lena[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kuner, Thomas[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kuner, Rohini[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kolker, Stefan[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Koehr, Georg[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Kohr, Georg[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kirsch, Joachim[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kelsch, Wolfgang[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Kann, Oliver[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Joazeiro, Claudio[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Herold Mende, Christel[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Gutschalk, Alexander[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Gruber, Oliver[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Groh, Alexander[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Grinevich, Valery[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Fairless, Richard[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Durstewitz, Daniel[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Draguhn, Andreas[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Ditzen, Beate[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Diem, Ricarda[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Ciccolini, Francesca[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Breckwoldt, Michael O[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Berkel, Simone[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Bendszus, Martin[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Bading, Hilmar[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Arendt, Detlev[Author - Last])) OR ((Mannheim[Affiliation]) AND (Andoh, Jamila[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Althammer, Ferdinand[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Allen, Kevin[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Acuna, Claudio[Author - Last])) OR ((Heidelberg[Affiliation]) AND (Agarwal, Amit[Author - Last]))