Interdisciplinary Center for Neurosciences + Sorbonne University Neuroscience Summer School 2025

Save the date!

Are you interested in learning how to model human neuropathologies? Would you like to know how to adapt current modern technologies for your project?  Then this is the summer school for you!

Location: Ebernburg Castle, Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg, Germany

Dates: July 6-12, 2025

Planned Topics: Cerebellum and cerebellar diseases, Glia-neuron interactions, Cell fate and brain diseases, Models of neurodegeneration

Registration Fees: 400€ for PhD candidates and postdocs, 50€ for senior master students

                      Registration opens soon!

Program and Objectives

This summer school offers a unique platform for participants to explore and integrate diverse approaches for studying human neuropathologies. The program includes:

  • Keynote sessions by eight senior researchers, giving students unique exposure to cutting-edge research and techniques from thought leaders in the field,
  • Poster sessions for students to present their work,
  • Interactive brainstorming on integrating new and advanced techniques into the participants’ own projects, wherein participants’ in-depth discussions and experts’ advice help push the projects to the next level,
  • Discussions on science and societal issues, this year with a focus on current and future approaches in science publishing, and
  • Networking and social activities, including with group leaders who stay the entire week, allowing for the development of personal connections between senior scientists and a more thorough mentoring

Confirmed Speakers


Scientific Advisory Board

Richard Fairless (IZN - Heidelberg University Hospital), Emmanuelle Huillard (Paris Brain Institute - Sorbonne University), Thomas Kuner (IZN - Medical Faculty Heidelberg), Annarita Patrizi (IZN - German Cancer Research Center), Philippe Ravassard (Paris Brain Institute - Sorbonne University), Rüdiger Rudolf (IZN - Medical Faculty Mannheim)


Our summer school arose out of an existing collaboration between the Sorbonne University and Heidelberg University Neuroscience Master programs, was spearheaded by the iMIND (Sorbonne University) and Neuroscience Major (Heidelberg University) Master Program Coordinators, Hélène Cheval and Victor Winter, and is funded in great part through an initiative at Sorbonne University.

Logos of the IZN and Sorbonne University



Become a sponsor of our summer school! Contact the organizers for more information.